Take to the skies…

Our ornithology collections consist of more than 300 mounted and stuffed specimens, cabinets holding egg collections and bird skulls.

Taxidermy osprey at the museum

Lectures relating to birds and their activities occur approximately 10 times a year. Recent topics have included the birds of Tibet, of SE Asia and of New Zealand, as well as the Peregrine Falcons nesting locally.
The Museum Room is dominated by a magnificent Osprey. This was shot by the Earl of Malmesbury on his Avon Estate in September 1822. Indeed, many of our finest exhibits came from the “Shooting Earl’s” private collection.

The Library contains a wide selection of Ornithology books, magazines and CDs. It is open as a Reading Room and Members’ Lending Library each Tuesday morning, and for an hour before each of our twice-weekly lectures.


Read about Ashley Leftwich’s Madagascan find